
Thursday, January 26, 2012

Continued Happiness

I love that we're keeping this going....  Happiness (continued)

No...  Continued Happiness.

Isn't it funny how just swapping those two words around changes things?  Continued Happiness sounds more long term to me.  How about you?  We were happy.  We are happy and we're going to continue to be happy.


So...  I received a few notes about what makes people happy and I really hope you keep them  coming.  These were fun to read!  In no particular order....

Jeanna wrote...

Recycling makes me happy.  This is a picture of my downstairs work space for making jewelry. This is in my kitchen/dining room where I make the recycled guitar string rings and bracelets. Notice the sixteen year old cat in the center of the action.

With this being her favorite place too, food bowl and live catnip plant, there is a definite competition for space.  In a few short weeks, I will be starting my tomato plants and will have to clear everything out of the way for them. Yay! Sorry kitty.

This picture was also taken on a snow day. It was the Friday before Martin Luther King Day so my three day weekend had turned to four. I was celebrating with some Baileys in my coffee and reading an Etsy blog about artists work spaces and thought how contrived and "too perfect" they all looked.

My response? Take a picture mid-project, with all of my tools out and everything. With the light from the snow and Rahja crunching away, I thought this was a good time for a studio photo.

If you're interested in seeing Jeanna's FAB jewelry...  check out her Etsy shop here.  Tell her DK sent ya!  

I totally understand why this makes Jeanna happy!!!  Keep 'em comin'.  I want to hear and see what makes you happy.

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